Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Fighting for Our Right to Irrigate Our Farms and Caretake Our Natural Resources

     Bald Eagles        facts, stories and links             

Please send your contributions to add to this page, work in progress
The purpose is to discredit the greenies, in regards to the Bald Eagles 
Commentary is also welcome.  I have my doubts they are in any trouble at all, and regardless how can they force the Bureau of Reclamation to turn off the water to the refuges, then turn around and blame the farmers ..... 

Question: As fish are primary food source, are Bald Eagles smart enough to just go over to the nice full Klamath Lake and catch a few? Since their numbers have increased dramatically in recent years, one might think they do have some survival skills. 

Bald Eagles in Oregon ...very interesting part on eating mice after farmers irrigate
found on this very good Bald Eagle site: http://www.baldeagleinfo.com/ 

Conservationists threaten to sue if supplies allotted a few farmers aren't diverted to benefit the national symbol  Oregonian, May 24, 200,   see story

Map of Nesting Pairs 1992 vs.1998 Lower 48 States Link  Population Chart  Link

Bald Eagles Continue Their Impressive Comeback; Recent Bald Eagle Fostering in
Northwest Region a Success, (  Pennsylvania story link )




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