Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.


Klamath Irrigation District, and the Oregon Water Resources Congress, a statewide association of irrigation districts, invites you to attend a meeting Tuesday, August 29, 10:00 a.m. at the Klamath County Extension Building conference room, located on Vandenberg Road.

Oregon Water Resources Congress

 Meeting Agenda

            Since 1993, OWRC has been working on an issue that could be described as “the relationship between districts and patrons” with attention especially to the management and control of water rights inside districts.  This issue continually surfaces in areas such as voluntary cancellations and by land owners, transfers and land outside district boundaries, leases or permanent transfers to in-stream use for fish protection, water conservation projects and what can be done with the conserved water, and protecting water rights inside districts from forfeiture for non-use.  Ultimately, these issues pivot on the question of who owns water rights inside a district, and what can or cannot be done with those water rights.

Power Point Presentation:  “What We Heard Around the State”

            Earlier this spring OWRC met with water users from 30 different districts across Oregon.  These meetings were “listening sessions” with farmers for the purpose of identifying issues and concerns about water rights in district.  The Power Point presentation is a synopsis of comments collected at these meetings from approximately 200 district land owners around the state.

Where Does OWRC Go From Here?

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