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 A few lines from “It All Started With The Promise Of A Better Life”  by Rudy Hiley
Submitted for KBC prayer page April 4, 2006

The crying and impatient knocking was not enough to place the child in danger.  After all, that is how they came to power.  Yet, the nature of the words which sobbingly streamed from the young one were quickly gaining notice.  The child’s life was now in great peril.  You see, at that point the child was being examined, assessed and redefined as a renegade by those nearby.  By those, who studied and judged all of the words that they heard.  By those, who had the unnatural power to act swiftly upon their judgment as to who and what they deemed to be helpful or harmful to the greater good.  The child was now outside the village, vision, model and plan for sustainable things, as they saw it. 

The reason for the child’s civilly incorrect outburst was the realization that those who were secretly called Grandma and Grandpa were no longer allowed to exist behind that checked, worn and battered door anymore. They were reassigned to the Thadwitch Consensus  Center to rejoin and become one with the earth.  The child had been taught that it was better for the earth and everyone on it when those who were no longer useful become accessed, redefined and restructured.  Still the loss of their companionship and support caused there to be a deep pain inside the child.  Grandma said that they used to be allowed to call that sometimes warm and sometimes stricken feeling love.  The child deeply loved them and they loved her even more.  Love was expressed in secret though, as it was considered to be a dangerous and protectionist biologic reaction and in a way very selfish.  As such it could not be justified, allowed or tolerated.  It was deemed to be against the greater good.  It was unsustainable.

Through the child’s tear swollen eyes there appeared the terrifying site of the Consensus Team (The Burning Men) moving swiftly toward her.  Her emotionally charged words continued to defiantly ring out while there still remained the ability to speak.  After all, the child (who was known to the Universal United Twenty First Partnerships as 717167) was breaking the sacred trust.  The child (who was called Faith by those within the secret way) had made the fatal mistake of speaking hopefully and longingly about the way things were before the Great Natural Balance was restored.  The way things were before the ushering in of universal and worldwide equality, fairness, justice, security, hope, connectedness, peace, plenty and harmony.

717167/Faith wanted G & M to tell more of their secret stories, not just the approved ones.  The ones that rejoiced in what the individual could do.  The ones that described what they used to call choices.  Old and complicated tales of places called stores where there was such an assortment of things to use and eat and find joy and comfort with that it boggled the mind.  Those things were gained through what is now considered to be a despicable, unsustainable and fearsome force of greed and evil called the industrialized free market economy or Capitalism.  It was kept alive and carefully protected back then by something called One Nation Under God.  These things could not be fully explained to Faith as there was nothing anywhere to compare them to.

The child wanted, begged for Grandma and Grandpa to come back and talk about the places where they used to live and see and visit.   Where people worked, and planned and hoped for a happy life, on their own terms.  A time and place when people did not tend, raise and grow food, or deal with filth merely from fear of punishment or from the forced pain and labor of their bodies, but from the might of their ambition and the dreams of their hearts.  They were free to seek.  They also had enough hope to imagine an even better life. 

As the Burning Men drew near, Faith stopped crying and proclaiming and stood facing them rebelliously.  All you could hear for a moment was their angry march through the oozing, rancid, putrid mud and the incessant buzzing of the multitude of flies and insects.  Before they struck her down she blurted out, “Jesus Christ is Lord, Father forgive them for they know not what they do”.

Ironically, Faith died living the lesson that others had died to give to her.  The child’s blood soon appeared upon that old rugged, checked and worn door and the brave child lay still and lifeless. Yet because of this tragedy something incredible began to take place; faith in Christ Jesus began to stand tall in the village again and within many of those who harshly existed in the Habitation and Cooperation Zones.  Faith seems to be ushered back in that way sometimes; all hope is lost and forgotten, then someone trusting and childlike opens our eyes and hearts and leads us back it to.  Faith then overcomes evil.

It is far better though that faith never be permitted to leave us in the first place.  After all, when it leaves, or is asked to leave, it is replaced by Hell on earth.

Come Lord Jesus.  Revive us.  Revive our faith.  Deliver us from evil.

A few lines from “It All Started With The Promise Of A Better Life”  by Rudy Hiley


When a group of cannibals invite you to dinner, be careful that you are not on the menu.

Park Service Budget for improvements and acquisitions outside of approved expenditures.

American made great by the government cooperation with the citizenry to push back the wilderness and harness it for the benefit of mankind.  Now the government, in cooperation with Non Governmental Organizations, are working to push human kind out of those claimed areas and return it to wildlands.

The private sector takes risks and pay for its mistakes and profits from its good fortune.  The government (some parts) add to financial risk by placing unrealistic barriers to approaching risks and succeeding.  Sometimes the government (some parts) are the greatest risk to capital and success.  One of the greatest risks is found in agriculture, which has been made impossible by some aspects of government and NGO’s.

Property rights lead to property ownership which leads to the equity necessary not only to take risk, but to fund it as well – like starting a new business etc.  Countries with lesser property rights and more difficulty securing them proportionally suffer poverty.  The more unrestricted the right to own property and the less encumbrances by governments and NGO’s, the more prosperous the nation.

The history of the world is one of battle, conquest, plunder, enslavement, rebellion. One country, nation tribe, village, region, group, gang etc. goes to war against the other.  Lives, fortunes and kingdoms are forever changed, if not lost.  Ironically, we all owe our existence to the luck, weather, fortune, wars, health, disease and disasters that came together to combine the gene pools that produced us.  Those parents which bore us where at the chance time and place to meet, caused by the triumphs, disasters, gains and losses of their ancestors and we are the result.  If we then sue history and those we assign to it for mistreatment for some past wrong or tragedy which was forced upon our forefathers who are long since dead and gone by others who are also long since dead and gone, are we not in essence suing against our own very existence?  Had it not been for the movement of history, we would not be who and where and when we are.  We could not sue, because we would not exist.

The leftist bemoans greed as they conspire to deprive others of their income through punitive taxation,   from their property through acts of court and government and their freedom from heavy handed regulation. Often times because they want what the other person has.

The same bemoan violence as they use those means to destroy livelihoods, futures and hope.

Some pretend that those who went before them were something that they were not so that they can gain something that they could never earn.




Page Updated: Thursday May 07, 2009 09:14 AM  Pacific

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