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Delphi Technique was used by DFG on Aug. 16

By Liz Bowen, President Scott Valley Protect Our Water 8/18/11

Check out our website for updated info: www.pienpolitics.com

After 10 years of Coho 101 and 202 and 303 taught by DFG employees, most of the landowners understand the life cycle of coho salmon. Another video just served to put us to sleep, which was probably the tactic.

Controlling just 20 minutes of a Questions and Answer Period did little to provide answers. Too many people were not able to ask questions or make statements. DFG officials had no answers, except for the ones we know or disagree with already.

We have science and dates and documents to prove coho were transplanted to Scott Valley starting as early as 1895. Even the Karuk Tribal Council stated 10 years ago that coho were NOT native, yet now they have changed their minds.

(Yes, there is a great amount of funding available for environmental projects that proclaim to aid the fish, but only waste TAX dollars.)

This makes coho salmon NOT native and thus is fraudulently listed to both the federal Endangered Species Act and the California Endangered Species Act.

This time of year, ALL the water combined will not make the streams connect. We can prove it with Patterson Creek. The snow has melted and the big head of water flowing above and below ground downhill has diminished!

RiverKeepers chose the wrong year to blame irrigators for Patterson Creek going dry. Irrigation stopped, when the water flow was still extremely high and irrigation was NOT occurring, where your evil youtube depicts dead juvenile fish. You are so full of lies, you likely planted the dead fish. I have reported such before on the Klamath, when neighbors saw Karuks planting fish to die, when the Klamath River level dropped.

Since we couldn't ask many questions and answers were the same-o -- same-o, we were told to divide up into groups to talk one-on-one to officials (who were supposed to talk us into things or convince us).

Oh, also five, yes five, Game Wardens with guns strapped to their hips were a bit much. They were friendly enough to me, but really I am not the enemy. I am a tax payer and they work for me. Warden McDonald doesn't seem to know that we know he likes to intimidate women ranchers and old suction dredge miners. Yep, I am digging up bones.

First to DFG officials:

When you say that you are NOT a lawyer, but claim our Water Rights will be preserved if we turn more of our legal irrigation Water Right allotment into the stream. We don't believe you.

Second to DFG officials:

When you keep suggesting you can "help" us decide what to do with our water and situation -- if we would just let you come onto our PRIVATE PROPERTY; we don't trust you to have our best interest at heart.

Third to DFG officials:

Previous meetings this spring were about a totally different subject, namely, the Incidental Take Permit and the 1602 Permit.

Voluntarily putting water back into the stream was not part of those discussions in April, when State Director John McCamman showed up to Siskiyou County.

Yes, DFG officials were not threatening this time, but there is little trust by the farmers and ranchers.

And there is NO trust, only disgust, for the Greenies, Enviro Commies for their lying propaganda.

Check out the Klamath RiverKeepers youtube that proves they lie.

They are blaming Patterson Creek going dry on irrigators using their legal Water Right. This year, the Scott River Water Trust purchased the irrigators' water and by July 7th there was NO IRRIGATION occurring.

I was asked by a Greenie, who claims he found the dead coho in Patterson Creek, why the water drops and the creek goes dry. I didn't miss a beat: It is because the trees are at 7 times or 700 percent more than science shows was normal in the historical past.

The forests above Patterson Creek are thick to the point of being unhealthy and a huge fire hazard. The trees suck up a tremendous amount of water. If the trees were thinned, the forest would be healthy and the creek would run. This has also been proven as fact.

If you watch this youtube, remember it is propaganda. The goal of the RiverKeepers was stated by one last week during the Siskiyou Golden Fair.

Which was: "those farmers in Scott Valley must be removed!"


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